Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

Using Bentley Geospatial Administrator to Configure Schemas

Bentley Geospatial Administrator and Cadastral Mapping Configuration work together to create a powerful and dynamic cadastre maintenance and parcel management system. You can open your Cadastral Mapping Configuration schema in the Bentley Geospatial Administrator to view features, change their properties to affect Property Based Symbology and Property Based Annotation, and to modify and export workspaces.

See the Bentley Geospatial Administrator section of this help for more information about editing schemas in Bentley Geospatial Administrator.

Note: Cadastral Mapping Configuration and its associated workspace will not run by attempting to launch a Cadastral Mapping Configuration workspace directly from Bentley Geospatial Administrator. You must either use the shortcut created with the Cadastral Mapping Configuration Schema Wizard or a shortcut as described below in the section: "To create a shortcut to a workspace".